Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sarah Palin's Moose Rap on SNL

Sarah Palin was out of control. You can see it in her posture at the VP debate, too: that demure way she hunches over, nodding her head in a kind of bow.

As President -- if you look at him, McCain on Letterman looks none too healthy -- Palin would similarly be out of control. If she can't judge and control the social situation on the SNL set, how much worse will she do negotiating with Russia on nukes? Golly-gee-willikers might throw the Russkies for a loop, but I suspect they might recover well before it's time to start signing things.

But is she qualified to be President? --This much conservatives and liberals can agree on: Palin is *just* as qualified to be President as is the man who chose her, John McCain.

It seems people got confused, because Palin and Hillary are both women. But Hillary is the kind of woman you'd like to have around if you got mugged. Palin only scares moose.

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