Friday, April 24, 2009

Just Call Her Miss Confederate

This one's odd:

Perez Hilton, a queer guy who makes a living talking about celebrities, successfully torpedoed the aspriations of Miss California to become Miss America, by asking her about gay marriage.

(That's his stage name, by the way. Get it? Not Paris Hilton, but Perez Hilton.)

The exchange went something like this:

Hilton: Honey, please tell me how cool gay marriage is.

California: Well, in this country you have a choice, and I think that's good. Personally, I think marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Perez Hilton then levitated, rotated his head 360 degrees, and spit pea soup on the live studio audience.

Going over the fallout, quickly --
  • Miss California lost to Miss South Carolina, who I imagine has more extreme views about gay marriage, but wasn't asked and didn't tell;
  • Hilton posted to his video blog calling California a number of misogynistic names;
  • Also he apparently obscenely defaced a picture of her and put it on his website;
  • California went on a talking heads show where she said Hilton asked and she told him;
  • She also said she'd pray for him;
  • Hilton went on Larry King and said she could have passed if she'd refused, Sarah Palin-like, to give a substantial answer to the question;
  • He also invited her to coffee, because it's easy to hate queers when you don't know them.
Maybe it's because the USA is in the grip of an "economic death spiral" (which is to say, the economy's going down the toilet) that so much attention is being paid to this. It makes a nice break, I guess, from industries demanding more strings-free cash from Congress, and from religous whackos self-detonating in Iraq.

There's so much misery and horror going on in the world -- why not have a quick time-out to watch Gorgeous and Gayboy catfight over, of all things, gay marriage.

Does anyone else think it's strange that a gay man is one of the judges in a nationwide contest about feminine beauty?

Miss Cali has become an overnight hit with conservatives everywhere; it looks like she'll outshine her former rival, the new Miss America. Meanwhile, I have some friends who are very active in gay rights, and I imagine they'd be cringing to have Hilton representing their cause, if they saw the hatred and misogyny he's been emitting.

Fortunately, they read only pro-queer literature, just as Christians read only pro-religion news. We all like to be insulated from uncomfortable truths.


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